National Call for Cancer Research (Ref No: NCI-NRF001/2024)
The National Cancer Institute of Kenya (NCI-K), in collaboration with the National Research Fund (NRF), is pleased to announce the launch of the National Call for Cancer Research (Ref No: NCI-NRF001/2024). Both NCI-K and NRF are statutory bodies established under specific Acts of Parliament—the Cancer Prevention and Control Act, No.15 of 2012, and the Science, Technology, and Innovation Act 2013, respectively. These entities are mandated to promote cancer research within their respective legal frameworks. This Call aims to provide support for robust scientific cancer research that directly addresses the challenges outlined within the framework of the National Cancer Control Strategy, 2023-2027 priority areas.
Researchers/Investigators attached to public and private institutions are invited to submit research proposals for consideration. Proposed projects should clearly demonstrate how they intend to carry out research on specific focus areas encompassing a range of critical issues in cancer research, aiming to contribute significantly to the advancement of knowledge and the development of effective interventions around cancer prevention and control.
Proposals should be well designed and structured based on the guidelines available below. Successful applicants will be funded up to a maximum of Kenya shillings three million (Ksh.3,000,000).
Funding preferences will be given to research project proposals whose focus is on the following aspects:
- Cancer burden description
- Cancer prevention and causation
- Screening and early detection
- Cancer diagnosis, treatment, palliative care and survivorship
- Cancer care economics and finance
- Health systems and policies in cancer care