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Africa-UK physics partnership collaborative research projects

The Africa UK Physics Partnership (AUPP) Programme has been designed based upon work carried out by the Institute of Physics (IOP) in 2019. This analysis found that of over 4,000 projects across sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), only a small proportion (5.5%) involved physics.

A subsequent survey of 50 universities and research facilities plus focus groups including researchers from African nations found that support for a few key factors could make a big difference to the physics base and drive locally led physics innovation, especially in the fields of energy, climate and weather. Key areas for intervention identified were:

  • gender inclusivity
  • training and education
  • academic and staff capacity
  • innovation and commercialisation
  • collaboration and networks

The intention is to develop a cohort of talented and experienced African physicists, with networks and connections that link them to the UK, countries throughout the region and other scientific disciplines, contributing to addressing physics challenges specific to Africa.

Apply for funding for collaborative physics-led projects addressing the challenges of climate change, energy, and capacity building, across African economies. You must be based at a UK research organisation eligible for STFC funding and have a project co-lead based at a research organisation in Ghana, Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, or Uganda.

Projects must start by February 2025 and finish by March 2027. The total fund amount is £5 million. STFC will fund 10 to 15 projects lasting up to 24 months and will fund 80% of the full economic cost (FEC). STFC will fund 100% of the costs for international applicants.

For more information, click here.